Turn your audio or video recording into text.

Save time and money. Upload your audio and get the text back in minutes. 20 minutes free. No credit card required.

Speech --> text

Automatically convert speech to text with AI and edit it in Word.

Audio and Video

Upload your (multilingual) recording and get the text by email.

Secure and Reliable.

Accurate up to 98%! Also supports bilingual transcriptions.
In over 50 languages.

  • English (en-GB)
  • Albanian (sq-AL)
  • American English (en-US)
  • American Spanish (es-US)
  • Argentinian Spanish (es-AR)
  • Australian English (en-AU)
  • Austrian German (de-AT)
  • Basque (eu-ES)
  • Belgian French (fr-BE)
  • Bosnian (bs-BA)
  • Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)
  • Bulgarian (bg-BG)
  • Canadian English (en-CA)
  • Canadian French (fr-CA)
  • Catalan (ca-ES)
  • Chilean Spanish (es-CL)
  • Chinese Hong Kong (zh-HK)
  • Chinese Mandarin (zh-CN)
  • Croatian (hr-HR)
  • Czech (cs-CZ)
  • Danish (da-DK)
  • Dutch (nl-NL)
  • English (en-GB)
  • Estonian (et-EE)
  • Farsi (Persian) (fa-IR)
  • Finnish (fi-FI)
  • French (fr-FR)
  • Galician (gl-ES)
  • German (de-DE)
  • Greek (el-GR)
  • Gulf Arabic (ar-AE)
  • Hebrew (he-IL)
  • Hindi (hi-IN)
  • Hungarian (hu-HU)
  • Icelandic (is-IS)
  • Indian English (en-IN)
  • Indonesian (id-ID)
  • Irish (ga-IE)
  • Irish English (en-IE)
  • Italian (it-IT)
  • Japanese (ja-JP)
  • Korean (ko-KR)
  • Latvian (lv-LV)
  • Lithuanian (lt-LT)
  • Macedonian (mk-MK)
  • Malay (ms-MY)
  • Maltese (mt-MT)
  • Mexican Spanish (es-MX)
  • Modern Standard Arabic (ar-SA)
  • New Zealand English (en-NZ)
  • Norwegian (nb-NO)
  • Polish (pl-PL)
  • Portuguese (pt-PT)
  • Romanian (ro-RO)
  • Russian (ru-RU)
  • Serbian (sr-RS)
  • Slovak (sk-SK)
  • Slovenian (sl-SI)
  • South African English (en-ZA)
  • Spanish (es-ES)
  • Swedish (sv-SE)
  • Swiss French (fr-CH)
  • Swiss German (de-CH)
  • Swiss Italian (it-CH)
  • Tamil (ta-IN)
  • Telugu (te-IN)
  • Thai (th-TH)
  • Turkish (tr-TR)
  • Ukrainian (uk-UA)
  • Vietnamese (vi-VN)
  • Welsh (cy-GB)

Here is what our clients say:

Work smarter and save precious time

Record your interview. Upload it and get the text back in your mailbox in minutes. You can record by using like Zoom, Teams, Skype, dictation apps etc. Open the transcript in Word to edit. Save hours of transcription time!

Free trial

You can try it for free using your own files at no cost. No credit card required. No strings attached. Sign up now and get 20 minutes for FREE!

Safe, Reliable and Fast

Get your results back in minutes by email. We use the best Machine Learning and Articifical Intelligence available today! After everything is completed we remove all your uploaded files directly from our system. With respect for the GDPR guidelines.

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And get 20 minutes free.